
Copford is a friendly, open and caring school, where education of the whole child is central to all we strive to achieve. In addition to gaining academic skills and knowledge your child will build confidence, develop self-reliance, learn to make decisions and develop the ability to articulate their feelings and ideas. The development of the children’s social skills is also vital, helping them to build good relationships with other children and adults and be sensitive to the feelings of others. To help achieve all of this we focus on 6 aptitudes to learning: - Co-operation, Curiosity, Enquiry, Independence, Reflection and Resilience.

A one form entry means that we have no mixed age classes and retain our unique culture and ethos as a village based Church of England Primary School. An experienced staff and Governing Body coupled with the close links we have with Copford Church are key ingredients in our continued success.

Your involvement in this process is crucial and we will provide frequent opportunities to work in partnership with you and inform you about the ways in which we are working with your child and how they are progressing.

Our most recent OfSTED and National Society of Church Schools Inspections highlight these values and success.

High expectations and a determined focus on the progress of each individual are a consistently strong feature of this school. As a result, the vast majority of pupils flourish. They make consistently good or better progress, and vulnerable pupils receive the care they need to achieve well. Central to this is a strong Christian ethos, promoted through the deeply embedded core Christian values of friendship, thanksgiving, hope, peace, forgiveness, compassion and trust. These permeate and influence every aspect of school life, and all members of the school community articulate and value their impact. As a consequence of the high levels of care, support and appropriate challenge, pupils are happy, secure and very clear about the importance of applying each value.

The leadership of teaching and learning is very effective. The Assistant Headteachers and I have successfully ensured that pupils in all classes benefit from good-quality teaching and learning across a range of subjects. Areas identified to improve teaching at the last inspection are no longer relevant.

Governors demonstrate that they are knowledgeable and perceptive. A healthy culture of transparent accountability has been established between the governors and the leadership team. This has ensured that the decisions made by you and the other senior leaders are challenged when appropriate to ensure that the best course of action is taken as you continue your journey towards providing an outstanding education for pupils. (OfSTED 2016)

We look forward to welcoming your family into our school. We guarantee that we will do our best to ensure that your child develops as an individual in a happy and secure environment.

If you would like any more information, have any questions or would like a paper copy of anything that is on our website, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Angela Welsh – Office Manager either by phone 01206-210439 or email office@copford.esses.sch.uk 


I will grow for tomorrow’s challenges, Growing in God's love 


Thank you for your interest in our wonderful school.

Yours sincerely,


David Bome
